Save The Arizona 98

I usually have avoided doing anything too political on my sometimes blog. I have tried to focus on general things and what is happening in my life. I feel that being too critical of any body for what they do politically is their business as I feel what I do politically, is my business.

This is one time I have decided to speak out. As a transplant survivor, I am appreciative of the extra time I have due to getting a transplant.  I hope to be around for awhile. I am supportive of others who have a transplant. Life is important and should never be made a second priority to money and the economy as much as possible.

There is a situation in Arizona that angers and saddens me. There are 98 people who were promised transplants be the Medicaid program there. The Republican Legislature and Governor Jan Brewer cut these people off from getting their transplants due to the money crises in the state due to the recession.

These poor people were promised their transplants. Without the help that the Medicaid program would give them, they will not be able to get their transplants and they will die.

Governor called transplants an optional procedure and that transplants do not work. An insurance company that works with the state came up with this.

As I understand it. The total cost for the transplants is 5 million dollars. There are 30 million that came from stimulus money that has not been spent. Governor Brewer says the money has been allocated but not spent.

She has reufused to call a special session to address the issue, despite calls to do just that. No one has lost their life yet, but it is only a matter of time.

I am leaving a notice  that explains this more than I can tell you here. If you feel that you can help out you can donate money to the National Transplant Assistance Fund, which is trying to help the 98.  I will end this with a call from one of the leaders in this matter Bob Aronson and a news release he has issued. It explains this better than I can:

Arizona, The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Poorer and the Sick Get Dead.

…In late October Bob Aronson, heart transplant recipient and founder of Organ Transplant Initiative (OTI), started a nationwide drive to reverse the Arizona decision that denies Medicaid patients vital organ transplants. He also has a very popular blog site devoted to donation/transplant issues with recent posts aimed at the Arizona issue

“Everyone on the transplant list is dying,” says Aronson, “And Governor Brewer’s claim that transplants are an optional treatment is totally without foundation. The only option to a transplant is death. I know, I would have been dead three years ago if I had not received a new heart.”

Aronson a former Minnesota Governor’s Press Secretary and now living in Jacksonville, Florida says, “I understand how serious budget problems can be, but you don’t solve them by killing your citizens.”

Organ Transplant Initiative has rallied people from all over the country with their “Save the Arizona 98” campaign. Additionally the group has a website where people or organizations can buy T-shirts and other products bearing the slogan, “Save the Arizona 98.” All profits go to the National Transplant Assistance Fund and there are no administrative fees or expenses charged to the proceeds. The site also offers the option of donating directly to the fund and designating the specific person or persons you want to help.

“Governor Brewer blames so-called Obamacare for the Medicaid problems,” states Aronson, “But Arizona approved cutting transplants before the Obama bill passed congress.” He notes that, “While Americans have a guarantee of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, Arizona has opted to deny life and liberty in favor of the Pursuit of Mexicans, “Because,” he says, “The Governor has diverted millions of Federal stimulus and other dollars, to her border protection program.


  1. Rosalie Triviz Williams
    Posted December 15, 2010 at 1:52 am | Permalink

    I am trying to get a protest at sate capital here in Ariz., in early Jan.2011.By the end of this week I hope to have the date and time. I have repeatably sent Gov. Bewer messages to no avail. Here are a couple. Gov. as you have repeatably told Obama do your job, well it is your turn do your job as Gov. of Arizona protect the most venerable, do not play God with people’s lives. Rosalie Triviz Williams For those who think they can play God then you will be judged and I am not talking about the after life and you think it’s okay be let the poor be harmed or those who dying and have died. This could happen to you or a loved one. Try to image that you are poor because, the poor have never been treated as equals. How dare you believe that you are better than the poor. Charities are all tapped out with the high rate of unemployment. Thank you for this website we need this country to know what is happening to the poor. The Gov. is going to cut Medicaid another 5% and lower the eligibility from $900.00 to $400.00 per month. She’s asking the federal government to grant her a waiver.Senator Russell Pearce wants to eliminate Medicaid altogether.We need the power of the people in this country to help. My Phone # 623-247-5220.

    • Posted December 15, 2010 at 2:41 pm | Permalink

      Great work you are doing, Rosalie. One suggestion: Perhaps one should find out who grants these waivers for the Federal Government and call them and pressure them to not grant such a waiver to Governor Brewer or to any other waiver for that matter.

      • Gerry
        Posted January 8, 2011 at 3:50 am | Permalink

        Will their be a rally Monday at the State Legislature? The only rally I found online, was the Tea Party. They intend to be there…..



      • Rosalie T. Williams
        Posted January 8, 2011 at 4:51 am | Permalink

        most definitely there will be a rally at the Arizona State Capitol on Monday, January 10 at 2 PM. the legislative Council did try to deny us the opportunity to be at the Arizona State Capitol. I did remind him that we the people of Arizona have the right to assemble. The Arizona Republic yesterday which was Thursday did a whole article on that demonstration. It is in this section of Valley and state the columnist is Mr. Montini. There will be several organizations including Rep. Maranda, Anna Tovar who in 2001 had a bone marrow transplant and possibly Sen. Steve Gallardo, Sen.KyrstenSimema. this is also the day that Gov. Brewer will be giving her address to the state of Arizona that’s why we picked this day.

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