Category Archives: lungs

A Great Story

You never know where you will find some reason to live and enjoy the lives we have. Here’s a little something that should give you a lift today. A Sign of the Heart Before my heart transplant, I was drawn to a special boy who appeared to me in a dream. Was he the donor […]

Some Things I’ve Noticed Lately

I was at a Wal-Mart in my hometown just recently (who hasn’t been in a Wal-Mart lately) and saw that they are revamping the store. In the process I’ve noticed that the prices are on the rise, especially in clothes. They might be in trouble here, since their base has been with people that shop […]

Greetings From Never Land

I have to admit, I had it easy over most of my adult life. I never really had to grow up and be all that responsible as I am now. Not being all that well, physically, I didn’t have the responsibility to such things as a home, other people and taking care of everything that […]

50% or Discount

As you may know, I have the Medicare part d prescription plan to help with my drug cost since I am on disability with the heart-lung transplant. I am now in the ‘donut hole’ where I have to pay full price for the medication because of the gap in coverage. I wasn’t told of how […]

Be Careful With The Prescription Drug Plan

As many of you may know, I am a heart-lung transplant recipient and take a very expensive medication to help me keep my new organs. I was receiving that medication from one place for only a shipping fee until the Medicare prescription plan came into effect. I switched to the plan I now have in […]

Transplant Warriors

This isn’t a phrase I coined to describe those who are waiting, or have received a transplant (In my case a heart-lung). But a moderator of an online support group that I recently joined called those who go through the process warriors. I agree. I think anyone who goes through any transplant: heart, lung, kidney, […]

Another 50 Word Novel

Here’s an old 50 word novel I found. It was written before my heart-lung transplant. The Operation The doctors came in and ripped out my heart and lungs and put in a new pair. Soon I became very intelligent, like Einstein and Freud. I no longer wanted to read my Superman comic books and watch […]